Welcome to PyBritive

For full documentation visit docs.britive.com.

PyBritive is intended to be used as a CLI application for communicating with the Britive Platform.


  • Python 3.9 or higher
  • Active Britive tenant (or nothing is really going to work)


pybritive will be installed via Python pip.

pip install pybritive

Or you can always pull the latest version directly from GitHub using one of the following commands.

pip install $(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/britive/python-cli/releases/latest \
    | jq -r '.assets[] | select(.content_type == "application/x-gzip") | .browser_download_url')


pip install $(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/britive/python-cli/releases/latest \
    | grep "browser_download_url.*.tar.gz" | cut -d : -f 2,3 | tr -d \")

The end user is free to install the CLI into a virtual environment or in the global scope, so it is available everywhere.

If the pybritive executable is not found when attempting to invoke the program, you may need to add the location of the pybritive executable to your path. This location can differ by OS and whether you are using a virtualenv or not. The easiest way to see where executables get installed via pip install ... is to run the following command.

echo `python3 -m site --user-base`/bin

You will need to add this location to your path. The following command will do that but it is recommended to add this command into your .bashrc, .zshrc, etc. file, so it will always get executed on new terminal windows.

export PATH=`python3 -m site --user-base`/bin:$PATH


Under the covers, python requests is being used to communicate with the Britive API. As such, any functionality of requests can be used, including setting an HTTP proxy.

  • HTTP proxies will be set via environment variables.
  • http_proxy
  • https_proxy
  • no_proxy

Standard HTTP proxy URLs should be utilized.


  • Unauthenticated Proxy: http://internalproxy.domain.com:8080
  • Authenticated Proxy: http://user:pass@internalproxy.domain.com:8080

Custom TLS Certificates

This can be set in the pybritive.config global settings by setting ca_bundle, e.g.:

# replace "/location/of/the/CA_BUNDLE_FILE.pem" with the path to the desired CA bundle file

Setting custom TLS certificates functionality of requests can also be used.

  • Certificate bundles will be set via environment variables.
  • CURL_CA_BUNDLE (used as a fallback)

The values of these environment variables must be a path to a directory of certificates or a specific certificate.

Example: /path/to/certfile



export REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE="/usr/local/corp-proxy/cacert.pem"

windows (powershell):

$env:REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE = "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\corp-proxy\cacert.pem"

windows (cmd):

set REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE="C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\corp-proxy\cacert.pem"

Global Settings


The backend used to store temporary access tokens to authenticate against the Britive tenant.

Allowed value: encrypted-file or file


The name of the tenant used by default: [tenant].britive-app.com.

Allowed value: the name of a configured tenant alias, e.g. [tenant-sigma] would be sigma.


Display output format.

If table is used, an optional table format can be specified as table-format, formats can be found here: table_format.

Allowed value: json, yaml, csv, or table[-format]

NOTE: the following global config settings are NOT available directly via pybritive configure global


Auto refresh the cached Britive managed kube config.

Allowed value: true or false


Auto refresh the cached Britive profiles.

Allowed value: true or false


The custom TLS certificate to use when making HTTP requests.

Allowed value: the path to a custom TLS certificate, e.g. /location/of/the/CA_BUNDLE_FILE.pem


Limit the number of "My Access" profiles to be retrieved.

Allowed value: an integer greater than 0


Limit the number of "My Resources" items to be retrieved.

Allowed value: an integer greater than 0

Tenant Configuration

Before pybritive can connect to a Britive tenant, it needs to know some details about that tenant. This is where pybritive configure will help us.

There is an easy way to tell pybritive about tenants.

  • pybritive configure tenant: This will prompt (or optionally the values can be passed via flags) for tenant details.

An alias for a tenant can be created in case more than 1 tenant is configured for use. This may be the case for admins who may have access to an EA and GA tenant.

Tenant Selection Logic

Given the URL https://example.britive-app.com used to access your Britive tenant, tenant value can be provided in a number of formats.

  1. example
  2. example.britive-app.com
  3. https://example.britive-app.com

There are numerous ways to provide the CLI with the Britive tenant that should be used. The below list is the order of operations for determining the tenant.

  1. Value retrieved from CLI option/flag --tenant/-t
  2. Value retrieved from environment variable BRITIVE_TENANT
  3. Value retrieved from ~/.britive/pybritive.config global variable default_tenant
  4. If none of the above are available then check for configured tenants in ~/.britive/pybritive.config and if there is only 1 tenant configured use it
  5. If all the above fail then error

Credential Selection Logic

There are numerous ways to provide the CLI with the Britive credentials that should be used to authenticate to the Britive tenant. The below list is the order of operations for determining the token to use.

  1. Workload federation provider token via option/flag --federation-provider/-P
  2. see below for more details on this option
  3. Value retrieved from CLI option/flag --token/-T
  4. Value retrieved from environment variable BRITIVE_API_TOKEN
  5. If none of the above are available an interactive login will be performed and temporary credentials will be stored locally for future use with the CLI

PROFILE Parameter Construction (checkout and checkin)

The general construction of a PROFILE parameter for checkout and checkin (in addition to profile aliases) is in the format Application Name/Environment Name/Profile Name.

Behind the scenes pybritive will always use this format. However, there are specific application types where Application Name == Environment Name. For these application types, it is acceptable to provide a 2 part PROFILE parameter in the format Application Name/Profile Name. pybritive will convert this to the required 3 part format before interacting with backend services.

Additionally, ls profiles -f list and cache profiles will return the 2 part format where applicable. It is still acceptable to provide the 3 part format in all cases so any existing profile aliases or other configurations will not be impacted.

Below is the list of application types in which a 2 part format is acceptable.

  • GCP
  • Azure
  • Oracle
  • Google Workspace

The list can be generated (assuming the caller has the required permissions) on demand with the following command.

pybritive api application_management.applications.catalog \
    --query '[*].{"application type": name,"2 part format allowed":requiresHierarchicalModel}' \
    --format table

Additionally, the Environment Name can be any one of three values. AWS example values are provided.

  • environmentId - 123456789012
  • environmentName - 123456789012 (Sigma Labs)
  • alternateEnvironmentName - Sigma Labs

Any of the above values in the Environment Name position will be accepted.

When running ls profiles -f list and cache profiles, the environmentName field will be shown.

Workload Federation Providers

NOTE: Before any of the below will work there is required setup and configuration within your Britive tenant so trust can be established between the identity provider and Britive.

pybritive and the Python SDK offer the capability to source an ephemeral token from a federation provider. This use case is targeted for machines/automated workloads and removes the need to store a long-lived API token to interact with Britive. These tokens are mapped to service identities within your Britive tenant.

At feature launch the following types of identity providers are supported for workload identity federation.

  • Open ID Connect (OIDC)

pybritive offers some native integrations with the following services.

  • Github Actions
  • AWS
  • Bitbucket
  • Azure System Assigned Managed Identities
  • Azure User Assigned Managed Identities
  • Spacelift.io

For more information on Azure Managed Identities reference

It is possible to source an identity token from a different OIDC provider and explicitly set it via the --token\-T flag. However, if you are using one of the above providers, a shortcut is provided to abstract away the complexity of sourcing these tokens. Over time this list will grow. Reach out to your customer success manager if you have an identity provider you would like added to this list.

IdP examples

A couple of examples are below which illustrate how to use the above identity providers.

NOTE: these commands will only work if they are being run within the context of the identity provider. Otherwise, the necessary data and connections will not be present in the execution environment.

GitHub Actions

# use github actions with the default OIDC audience
pybritive checkout "profile" --federation-provider github

# use github actions with a custom OIDC audience
pybritive checkout "profile" --federation-provider github-audience

# use github actions with a custom OIDC audience and set the Britive expiration (in seconds) of the generated token
pybritive checkout "profile" --federation-provider github-audience_expirationseconds

# use github actions with the default OIDC audience and set the Britive expiration (in seconds) of the generated token
pybritive checkout "profile" --federation-provider github_expirationseconds


# use aws sts without an AWS CLI profile (source credentials via the standard credential discovery process)
pybritive checkout "profile" --federation-provider aws

# use aws sts with an AWS CLI profile
pybritive checkout "profile" --federation-provider aws-profile

# use aws sts with an AWS CLI profile and set the Britive expiration (in seconds) of the generated token
pybritive checkout "profile" --federation-provider aws-profile_expirationseconds

# use aws sts without an AWS CLI profile and set the Britive expiration (in seconds) of the generated token
pybritive checkout "profile" --federation-provider aws_expirationseconds


note: no additional options are available for bitbucket.

pybritive checkout "profile" --federation-provider bitbucket


note: no additional options are available for spacelift.io.

pybritive checkout "profile" --federation-provider spacelift

Azure system assigned managed identities

# use system assigned managed identities with...

## the default OIDC audience
pybritive checkout "profile" --federation-provider azuresmi

## a custom OIDC audience
pybritive checkout "profile" --federation-provider azuresmi-audience

## a custom OIDC audience and set the Britive expiration (in seconds) of the generated token
pybritive checkout "profile" --federation-provider azuresmi-audience_expirationseconds

## the default OIDC audience and set the Britive expiration (in seconds) of the generated token
pybritive checkout "profile" --federation-provider azuresmi_expirationseconds

Azure user assigned managed identities

note: a client id is a required field.

# use user assigned managed identities with...

## the default OIDC audience
pybritive checkout "profile" --federation-provider azuresmi-clientid

## a custom OIDC audience
pybritive checkout "profile" --federation-provider azuresmi-clientid|audience

## a custom OIDC audience and set the Britive expiration (in seconds) of the generated token
pybritive checkout "profile" --federation-provider azuresmi-clientid|audience_expirationseconds

## the default OIDC audience and set the Britive expiration (in seconds) of the generated token
pybritive checkout "profile" --federation-provider azuresmi-clientid_expirationseconds

In general the field format for --federation-provider is provider-[something provider specific]_[duration in seconds].

Credential Stores

The CLI currently offers two ways in which temporary credentials obtained via interactive login can be stored. Future enhancements aim to offer other credential storage options.


Credentials will be stored in a plaintext file located at ~/.britive/pybritive.credentials

Encrypted File (Default)

Credentials will be stored in an encrypted file located at ~/.britive/pybritive.credentials.encrypted.

The user will be prompted for a passphrase to use to encrypt the file. The user can also pass in the passphrase via flag --passphrase/-p or via environment variable PYBRITIVE_ENCRYPTED_CREDENTIAL_PASSPHRASE. If no passphrase is provided pybritive will use an internally generated passphrase unique to the machine on which the application is running.

Home Directory

By default, files that pybritive requires will be persisted to ~/.britive/.

This can be overwritten by specifying environment variable PYBRITIVE_HOME_DIR. This can be either one of the following choices to where the end user wants to persist the .britive directory. Note that .britive will still be created so do not specify that as part of the path.


By default, pybritive will use the OS defined default for any actions that have browser interaction(s).

This can be overwritten by specifying environment variable PYBRITIVE_BROWSER. This can either be a one of the choices listed for commands that have the --browser option/flag, or can be set to an open command for browsers not provided by the Python3 webbrowser module.


export PYBRITIVE_BROWSER="open -a /Applications/Firefox\ Developer\ Edition.app %s"

Note that as of Britive release 2023.11.01 the CLI authentication flow will NOT prompt to login if the user is already authenticated in the browser. However, this is only true if the browser launched by pybritive is the same browser where the user is already authenticated.


If the name of an application, environment, or profile contains a / then that character must be properly escaped with a \.

Example: * Application: AWS * Environment: Dev/Test * Profile: Admin

As we construct the checkout command it would generally be AWS/Dev/Test/Admin but since the environment has a / in it, we need to escape that to be AWS/Dev\/Test/Admin so the CLI can properly parse out the 3 required parts of the string.

This holds true for names of secrets and any other free form text that may be submitted via the CLI. Ensure you are escaping all required characters based on the shell you are using.

api Command - Use the Britive Python SDK via the CLI

As of v0.11.0 a new command called api has been introduced. This command exposes the full capability of the Britive Python SDK to users of the pybritive CLI.

Documentation on each SDK method can be found inside the Python SDK itself and on Github (https://github.com/britive/python-sdk). The Python package britive is a dependency of the CLI already so the SDK is available without installing any extra packages.

It is left up to the caller to provide the proper method and parameters based on the documentation of the API call being performed. Examples will follow which explain how to do this.

The authenticated identity must have the appropriate permissions to perform the actions being requested. General end users of Britive will not have these permissions. This call (and the larger SDK) is generally meant for administrative functionality.

api examples

Usage examples of: (pybritive api method --parameter1 value1 --parameter2 value2 [--parameterX valueX])

# list all users in the britive tenant
pybritive api identity_management.users.list

# create a tag
pybritive api identity_management.tags.create --name testtag --description "test tag"

# list all users and output just the email address of each user via jmespath query
pybritive api identity_management.users.list --query '[].email'

# create a profile
pybritive api application_management.profiles.create --application-id <id> --name testprofile

# create a secret
pybritive api secrets_manager.secrets.create --name test --vault-id <id> --value '{"Note": {"secret1": "abc"}}'

# create a file secret
pybritive api secrets_manager.secrets.create --name test-file --vault-id <id> --file fileb://test.json \
    --static-secret-template-id <id> --value None
  • The method is the same pattern as what would be used when referencing an instance of the Britive class.
  • The parameters are dynamic based on the method being invoked. Review the documentation for the method in question to understand which parameters are expected and which are optional. Parameters with _ in the name should be translated to - when referencing them via the CLI.

ssh Command

The ssh command facilitates using the native SSH protocol to connect to private cloud servers.

The goal is to allow all functionality offered by the SSH protocol like local port forwarding to access private resources and scp to copy files to the remote host.

AWS and GCP are supported.


The requirements for using SSH with EC2 instances are provided below.

  • EC2 instance must have the Systems Manager agent installed and operational.
  • EC2 instance must have the EC2 Instance Connect agent installed and operational (if using --push-public-key).
  • The caller must have appropriate IAM permissions to start a Session Manager session (for all --key-sources) and push a public key via EC2 Instance Connect (if using --push-public-key).
  • The caller's environment must have the AWS CLI installed along with the Session Manager plugin.
  • The caller's python environment must have the boto3 package installed. As boto3 is not required for the use of pybritive it is not automatically installed (if using --push-public-key).
  • The caller must use OpenSSH (and the SSH config file). Other SSH implementations are not currently supported.

There are 3 ways that pybritive can help proxy an SSH session to a private EC2 instance.

  • Using just Session Manager SSH forwarding to establish the network path over which the SSH protocol will operate. It is left to the caller then to handle SSH authentication using whichever mechanism has already been established.
Host bastion.dev
     HostName i-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.profile[.region]

Match host i-*,mi-*
    User ssm-user
    ProxyCommand eval $(pybritive ssh aws ssm-proxy --hostname %h --username %r --port-number %p)
  • Using Session Manager SSH forwarding along with pushing a randomly generated SSH key pair public key via EC2 Instance Connect and identifying the private key via static path in the IdentityFile parameter.
Host bastion.dev
     HostName i-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.profile[.region]

Match host i-*,mi-*
    User ssm-user
    IdentityFile ~/.britive/ssh/%h.%r.pem
    ProxyCommand eval $(pybritive ssh aws ssm-proxy \
        --hostname %h \
        --username %r \
        --port-number %p \
        --push-pulbic-key \
        --key-source static)
  • Using Session Manager SSH forwarding along with pushing a randomly generated SSH key pair public key via EC2 Instance Connect and adding the private key to the ssh-agent via ssh-add so it is available without having to specify the IdentityFile parameter.
Host bastion.dev
     HostName i-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.profile[.region]

Match host i-*,mi-*
    User ssm-user
    ProxyCommand eval $(pybritive ssh aws ssm-proxy \
        --hostname %h \
        --username %r \
        --port-number %p \
        --push-pulbic-key \
        --key-source ssh-agent)

The HostName parameter must be in the appropriate format. That format is


Both aws-profile-name and aws-region are optional. If aws-profile-name is omitted then credentials for Session Manager and EC2 Instance Connect will be sourced from the standard AWS credential provider chain. If aws-region is omitted then credentials for Session Manager and EC2 Instance Connect will be sourced from the standard AWS region provider chain.

The command ssh aws config can be invoked to generate the above Match directives.


The requirements for using SSH with GCP compute engine instances are provided below.

  • gcloud CLI must be installed in the environment and gcloud auth login already performed.
  • Instance must accept SSH key from either OS Login
  • or SSH Instance Metadata (if using --push-public-key).
  • If using OS Login two-factor authentication cannot be enabled.
  • The caller must have appropriate permissions to use identity aware proxy (for all --key-sources) and push a public key via OS Login or SSH Instance Metadata (if using --push-public-key).
  • The caller's environment must have the gcloud cli installed and gcloud auth login already performed.
  • The caller must use OpenSSH (and the SSH config file). Other SSH implementations are not currently supported.

There are 3 ways that pybritive can help proxy an SSH session to a private compute instance.

  • Using just Identity Aware Proxy (IAP) SSH forwarding to establish the network path over which the SSH protocol will operate. It is left to the caller then to handle SSH authentication using whichever mechanism has already been established.
Host bastion.dev
     HostName gcp.instance-name.project-id

Match host gcp.*
    User username
    ProxyCommand eval $(pybritive ssh gcp identity-aware-proxy --hostname %h --username %r --port-number %p)
  • Using IAP SSH forwarding along with pushing a randomly generated SSH key pair public key via OS Login or Instance Metadata and identifying the private key via static path in the IdentityFile parameter.

Using OS Login...

Host bastion.dev
     HostName gcp.instance-name.project-id

Match host gcp.*
    User username
    IdentityFile ~/.britive/ssh/%h.%r.pem
    ProxyCommand eval $(pybritive ssh gcp identity-aware-proxy \
        --hostname %h \
        --username %r \
        --port-number %p \
        --push-pulbic-key os-login \
        --key-source static)

Using Instance Metadata...

Host bastion.dev
     HostName gcp.instance-name.project-id

Match host gcp.*
    User username
    IdentityFile ~/.britive/ssh/%h.%r.pem
    ProxyCommand eval $(pybritive ssh gcp identity-aware-proxy \
        --hostname %h \
        --username %r \
        --port-number %p \
        --push-pulbic-key instance-metadata \
        --key-source static)
  • Using IAP SSH forwarding along with pushing a randomly generated SSH key pair public key via OS Login or Instance Metadata and adding the private key to the ssh-agent via ssh-add so it is available without having to specify the IdentityFile parameter.

Using OS Login...

Host bastion.dev
     HostName gcp.instance-name.project-id

Match host gcp.*
    User username
    ProxyCommand eval $(pybritive ssh gcp identity-aware-proxy \
        --hostname %h \
        --username %r \
        --port-number %p \
        --push-pulbic-key os-login \
        --key-source ssh-agent)

Using Instance Metadata...

Host bastion.dev
     HostName gcp.instance-name.project-id

Match host gcp.*
    User username
    ProxyCommand eval $(pybritive ssh gcp identity-aware-proxy \
        --hostname %h \
        --username %r \
        --port-number %p \
        --push-pulbic-key instance-metadata \
        --key-source ssh-agent)

The HostName parameter must be in the appropriate format. That format is

gcp.<instance name>.<project id>

The command ssh gcp config can be invoked to generate the above Match directives.

aws Command

The aws command group will hold actions related specifically to AWS.

The first supported sub-command is console which will sign an AWS console URL using programmatic access keys (long-lived IAM User keys or temporary AWS AssumeRole credentials). This will allow you to check out programmatic access for a Britive AWS profile (or any other system which issues AWS access keys) and use the resulting keys to get into the AWS console.

Shell Completion

TODO: Provide more automated scripts here to automatically add the required configs to the profiles. For now the below works just fine though.

Behind the scenes the pybritive CLI tool uses the python click package. click offers shell completion for the following shells.

  • bash
  • zsh
  • fish

A shell completion script has been written for the following shells as well.

  • PowerShell

In order to set up shell completion, follow these steps. Once complete either source your environment again or start a new shell in order for the changes to be loaded.


Save the completion script somewhere.

_PYBRITIVE_COMPLETE=bash_source pybritive > ~/.pybritive-complete.bash

Source the file in ~/.bashrc.

source ~/.pybritive-complete.bash


Save the completion script somewhere.

_PYBRITIVE_COMPLETE=zsh_source pybritive > ~/.pybritive-complete.zsh

Source the file in ~/.zshrc.

source ~/.pybritive-complete.zsh


Save the completion script to the fish completions directory.

_PYBRITIVE_COMPLETE=fish_source pybritive > ~/.config/fish/completions/pybritive.fish


Append the below code to your PowerShell profile.

$pybritive_completion = {
    param($wordToComplete, $commandAst, $cursorPosition)

    # in case of scripts, this object holds the current line after string conversion
    $line = "$commandAst"

    # The behaviour of completion should depend on the trailing spaces in the current line:
    # * "command subcommand " --> TAB --> Completion items parameters/sub-subcommands of "subcommand"
    # * "command subcom" --> TAB --> Completion items to extend "subcom" into matching subcommands.
    # $line never contains the trailing spaces. However, $cursorPosition is the length of the original
    # line (with trailing spaces) in this case. This comparison allows the expected user experience.
    if ($cursorPosition -gt $line.Length) {
        $line = "$line "

    # set environment variables that pybritive completion will use
    New-Item -Path Env: -Name COMP_LINE -Value $line | Out-Null # Current line
    New-Item -Path Env: -Name _PYBRITIVE_COMPLETE -Value "powershell_complete" | Out-Null

    # call pybritive and it will inspect env vars and provide completion results
    Invoke-Expression pybritive -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Tee-Object -Var completionResult | Out-Null

    # cleanup environment variables
    Remove-Item Env:\COMP_LINE | Out-Null
    Remove-Item Env:\_PYBRITIVE_COMPLETE | Out-Null

    # get list of completion items
    $items = $completionResult -split '\r?\n'

    $items | ForEach-Object {"$_ "} # trailing space important as completion is "done"

# register tab completion
Register-ArgumentCompleter -Native -CommandName pybritive -ScriptBlock $pybritive_completion

The location of your PowerShell profile can be found with command

echo $profile

And is generally something like C:\Users\{user}\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1. Create the file (and any needed directories) if needed.

Shell Completion - Profiles - Local Cache

By default, shell completion only completes commands and options/flags as those values are available without any authentication to a Britive tenant.

There is an option to enable shell completion for profiles and profile aliases for use with checkout and checkin.

In order enable this, run the following command.

pybritive cache profiles

This will locally cache profiles for which the authenticated user has permissions. If multiple tenants are being used then each tenant will need to be cached individually. All profiles across all tenants will be available during shell completion (this is due to the fact the completion logic doesn't have any context as to which tenant is being used as the tenant may not be provided yet).

The cache will not be updated over time. In order to update the cache more regularly run the following command. Note that this config flag is NOT available directly via pybritive configure global ....

pybritive configure update global auto_refresh_profile_cache true

To turn the feature off run

pybritive configure update global auto_refresh_profile_cache false
pybritive cache clear

pybritive with the AWS credential_process

pybritive natively supports the AWS credential_process option present in the AWS credentials file.

credential_process=pybritive checkout britive-profile-alias -m awscredentialprocess

As of v0.4.0 a new "side-car" helper script/CLI program has been created. pybritive-aws-cred-process provides a minimal codebase in an effort to reduce the latency of obtaining credentials via the AWS credential_process command.

pybritive-aws-cred-process reduces the latency of the call by ~50% while still maintaining basic functionality.

credential_process=pybritive-aws-cred-process --profile britive-profile-alias

Command Documentation


PyBritive CLI - Pure Python Implementation for a Britive CLI


pybritive [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Name Type Description Default
--version, -v boolean Prints the PyBritive CLI version and exits. None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False


  • api: Exposes the Britive Python SDK methods to the CLI.
  • aws: Groups together AWS specific sub-commands. Naming conventions will change to support standard AWS names.
  • cache: Manage local cache settings.
  • checkin: Checkin a profile.
  • checkout: Checkout a profile.
  • clear: Clear various local settings and configurations.
  • configure: Configures the PyBritive CLI.
  • login: Perform an interactive login to obtain temporary credentials.
  • logout: Logout of an interactive login session.
  • ls: List resources available for currently authenticated identity.
  • request: Provides functionality related to requesting approval to checkout a profile.
  • secret: View or download a secret.
  • ssh: Facilitates connecting to private cloud servers using the standard ssh protocol.
  • user: Print details about the authenticated identity.

pybritive api

Exposes the Britive Python SDK methods to the CLI.

Documentation on each SDK method can be found inside the Python SDK itself and on Github (https://github.com/britive/python-sdk). The Python package britive is a dependency of the CLI already so the SDK is available without installing any extra packages.

It is left up to the caller to provide the proper method and parameters based on the documentation of the API call being performed.

The authenticated identity must have the appropriate permissions to perform the actions being requested. General end users of Britive will not have these permissions. This call (and the larger SDK) is generally meant for administrative functionality.

Example of use:

  • generic: pybritive api method --parameter1 value1 --parameter2 value2 [--parameterX valueX]

  • pybritive api identity_management.users.list

  • pybritive api identity_management.tags.create --name testtag --description "test tag"

  • pybritive api identity_management.users.list --query '[].email'

  • pybritive api application_management.profiles.create --application-id --name testprofile


pybritive api [OPTIONS] METHOD


Name Type Description Default
--query text JMESPath query to apply to the response. None
--format, -f choice (csv | json | list | table | table-double_grid | table-double_outline | table-fancy_grid | table-fancy_outline | table-github | table-grid | table-html | table-jira | table-latex | table-latex_booktabs | table-latex_longtable | table-latex_raw | table-mediawiki | table-moinmoin | table-orgtbl | table-outline | table-pipe | table-plain | table-presto | table-pretty | table-psql | table-rounded_grid | table-rounded_outline | table-rst | table-simple | table-simple_grid | table-simple_outline | table-textile | table-tsv | table-unsafehtml | table-youtrack | yaml) Display output format. Valid values are (json, yaml, csv, table[-format]). If table is used an optional table format can be specified as table-format. Valid table formats can be found here: https://github.com/astanin/python-tabulate#table_format. Example: table-pretty. None
-t, --tenant text Name of tenant. None
-T, --token text API token. None
--silent, -s boolean Enable silent mode. False
--passphrase, -p text The passphrase to use for encrypting credentials. None
--federation-provider, -P text Use a federation provider available in the Britive Python SDK for auto token creation. See CLI documentation at https://britive.github.io/python-cli/ for acceptable values. None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

pybritive aws

Groups together AWS specific sub-commands. Naming conventions will change to support standard AWS names.


pybritive aws [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Name Type Description Default
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False


  • console: Signs an AWS console federation URL with AWS access keys and opens the AWS console in a browser.
pybritive aws console

Signs an AWS console federation URL with AWS access keys and opens the AWS console in a browser.


pybritive aws console [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--profile, -p text AWS CLI profile from which credentials will be sourced. Defaults to None which indicates that the default credential provider chain should be used. None
--duration, -d integer Number of seconds the console session should last. Minimum of 900 and maximum of 43200 (the default). 43200
--browser choice (chrome | chromium | firefox | macosx | mozilla | safari | windows-default | open -a /Applications/Firefox\ Developer\ Edition.app %s) The browser to use when opening a URL from the PyBritive CLI. Defaults to None which indicates the standard webbrowser selection process should be used. Can also source from PYBRITIVE_BROWSER. None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

pybritive cache

Manage local cache settings.


pybritive cache [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Name Type Description Default
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False


  • clear: Clears the local cache.
  • kubeconfig: Cache a Britive managed kube config file based on the profiles to which the caller has access.
  • profiles: Cache profiles locally to facilitate auto-completion of profile names on checkin/checkout.
pybritive cache clear

Clears the local cache.


pybritive cache clear [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False
pybritive cache kubeconfig

Cache a Britive managed kube config file based on the profiles to which the caller has access.


pybritive cache kubeconfig [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
-t, --tenant text Name of tenant. None
-T, --token text API token. None
--silent, -s boolean Enable silent mode. False
--passphrase, -p text The passphrase to use for encrypting credentials. None
--federation-provider, -P text Use a federation provider available in the Britive Python SDK for auto token creation. See CLI documentation at https://britive.github.io/python-cli/ for acceptable values. None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False
pybritive cache profiles

Cache profiles locally to facilitate auto-completion of profile names on checkin/checkout.


pybritive cache profiles [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
-t, --tenant text Name of tenant. None
-T, --token text API token. None
--silent, -s boolean Enable silent mode. False
--passphrase, -p text The passphrase to use for encrypting credentials. None
--federation-provider, -P text Use a federation provider available in the Britive Python SDK for auto token creation. See CLI documentation at https://britive.github.io/python-cli/ for acceptable values. None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

pybritive checkin

Checkin a profile.

This command takes 1 required argument PROFILE. This should be a string representation of the profile that should be checked in. Format is application name/environment name/profile name.


pybritive checkin [OPTIONS] PROFILE


Name Type Description Default
--console, -c boolean Checkout/checkin the console access for the profile instead of programmatic access. False
--profile-type choice (my-access | my-resources) The profile type to use when checking out/in a profile. None
-t, --tenant text Name of tenant. None
-T, --token text API token. None
--silent, -s boolean Enable silent mode. False
--passphrase, -p text The passphrase to use for encrypting credentials. None
--federation-provider, -P text Use a federation provider available in the Britive Python SDK for auto token creation. See CLI documentation at https://britive.github.io/python-cli/ for acceptable values. None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

pybritive checkout

Checkout a profile.

This command takes 1 required argument PROFILE. This should be a string representation of the profile that should be checked out. Format is application name/environment name/profile name.


pybritive checkout [OPTIONS] PROFILE


Name Type Description Default
--alias, -a text Alias for the profile so future checkouts can use the alias instead of the profile details. None
--blocktime, -b integer Seconds to wait before starting to poll for credentials. If not provided will default to 60 for profiles that require approval and 3 for profiles without approval. 3
--console, -c boolean Checkout/checkin the console access for the profile instead of programmatic access. False
--justification, -j text Justification for the approval process, if a profile checkout or secret access requires approval. None
--ticket-type text Ticket type for the ITSM process, if a profile requires a ticket. None
--ticket-id text Ticket ID for the ITSM process, if a profile requires a ticket. None
--otp, -o text OTP to checkout a profile, download a secret, or view a secret, if MFA is required. None
--mode, -m choice (awscredentialprocess | azlogin | azps | browser | browser-chrome | browser-chromium | browser-firefox | browser-macosx | browser-mozilla | browser-safari | browser-windows-default | console | env | env-nix | env-wincmd | env-winps | gcloudauth | gcloudauthexec | integrate | json | kube-exec | os-oclogin | os-ocloginexec | text) The way in which the checked out credentials are presented. integrate will place the credentials into the cloud providers local credential file (AWS only). Value env can optionally include terminal specific options for setting environment variables (example: env-nix for Linux/Mac, env-wincmd for Windows Command Prompt, env-winps for Windows PowerShell).gcloudauth will save the generated key file/credentials to the pybritive config directory and generate a gcloud auth command which can be directly evaluated. Will default to json if not provided. None
--maxpolltime, -x integer Maximum seconds to poll before exiting. 600
--silent, -s boolean Enable silent mode. False
--force-renew integer AWS Programmatic Only - If the credentials are to expire within the specified number of minutes, check in the profile first and check it out again to get a new set of credentials. None
--aws-credentials-file text AWS Programmatic Only - When mode is integrate specify a non-default location for the AWS credentials file. None
--gcloud-key-file text GCP Programmatic Only - When mode is gcloudauth specify a non-default location for storing the key file. Ignored for mode gcloudauthexec. None
--verbose, -v boolean Enable verbose checkout mode. False
--extend, -e boolean Extend the expiration time for a currently checked out profile. False
--profile-type choice (my-access | my-resources) The profile type to use when checking out/in a profile. None
-t, --tenant text Name of tenant. None
-T, --token text API token. None
--passphrase, -p text The passphrase to use for encrypting credentials. None
--federation-provider, -P text Use a federation provider available in the Britive Python SDK for auto token creation. See CLI documentation at https://britive.github.io/python-cli/ for acceptable values. None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

pybritive clear

Clear various local settings and configurations.


pybritive clear [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Name Type Description Default
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False


pybritive clear cache

Clears the local cache.


pybritive clear cache [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False
pybritive clear cached-aws-credentials

Clears cached AWS credentials used as part of the AWS CLI credential process.


pybritive clear cached-aws-credentials [OPTIONS] PROFILE


Name Type Description Default
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False
pybritive clear gcloud-auth-key-files

Clears the local gcloud auth key files.


pybritive clear gcloud-auth-key-files [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False
pybritive clear kubeconfig

Clears the local .britive/kube/config file.


pybritive clear kubeconfig [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

pybritive configure

Configures the PyBritive CLI.


pybritive configure [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Name Type Description Default
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False


  • global: Configures global level settings for the PyBritive CLI.
  • tenant: Configures tenant level settings for the PyBritive CLI.
  • update: Provides a mechanism to directly update any section/field/value in the config file.
pybritive configure global

Configures global level settings for the PyBritive CLI.

If CLI options/flags are not provided an interactive data entry process will collect any needed data.


pybritive configure global [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--tenant, -t text The name of the tenant: [tenant].britive-app.com. None
--format, -f choice (csv | json | list | table | table-double_grid | table-double_outline | table-fancy_grid | table-fancy_outline | table-github | table-grid | table-html | table-jira | table-latex | table-latex_booktabs | table-latex_longtable | table-latex_raw | table-mediawiki | table-moinmoin | table-orgtbl | table-outline | table-pipe | table-plain | table-presto | table-pretty | table-psql | table-rounded_grid | table-rounded_outline | table-rst | table-simple | table-simple_grid | table-simple_outline | table-textile | table-tsv | table-unsafehtml | table-youtrack | yaml) Display output format. Valid values are (json, yaml, csv, table[-format]). If table is used an optional table format can be specified as table-format. Valid table formats can be found here: https://github.com/astanin/python-tabulate#table_format. Example: table-pretty. None
-P, --no-prompt boolean Do not prompt for any missing data. Used when programmatically running configure [tenant|global]. False
--backend, -b choice (encrypted-file | file) The backend used to store temporary access tokens to authenticate against the Britive tenant. None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False
pybritive configure tenant

Configures tenant level settings for the PyBritive CLI.

If CLI options/flags are not provided an interactive data entry process will collect any needed data.


pybritive configure tenant [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--tenant, -t text The name of the tenant: [tenant].britive-app.com. None
--alias, -a text Optional alias for the above tenant. This alias would be used with the --tenant flag. None
--format, -f choice (csv | json | list | table | table-double_grid | table-double_outline | table-fancy_grid | table-fancy_outline | table-github | table-grid | table-html | table-jira | table-latex | table-latex_booktabs | table-latex_longtable | table-latex_raw | table-mediawiki | table-moinmoin | table-orgtbl | table-outline | table-pipe | table-plain | table-presto | table-pretty | table-psql | table-rounded_grid | table-rounded_outline | table-rst | table-simple | table-simple_grid | table-simple_outline | table-textile | table-tsv | table-unsafehtml | table-youtrack | yaml) Display output format. Valid values are (json, yaml, csv, table[-format]). If table is used an optional table format can be specified as table-format. Valid table formats can be found here: https://github.com/astanin/python-tabulate#table_format. Example: table-pretty. None
-P, --no-prompt boolean Do not prompt for any missing data. Used when programmatically running configure [tenant|global]. False
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False
pybritive configure update

Provides a mechanism to directly update any section/field/value in the config file.

All arguments provided will be converted to lowercase before being persisted.

SECTION: The config section (example: global, tenant-foo)

FIELD: The field within the section (example: default_tenant, name, output_format)

VALUE: The value of the field.

Example: pybritive configure update global output_format json


pybritive configure update [OPTIONS] SECTION FIELD VALUE


Name Type Description Default
--silent, -s boolean Enable silent mode. False
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

pybritive login

Perform an interactive login to obtain temporary credentials.

This only applies when an API token has not been specified via --token,-T or via environment variable BRITIVE_API_TOKEN.


pybritive login [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
-t, --tenant text Name of tenant. None
-T, --token text API token. None
--silent, -s boolean Enable silent mode. False
--passphrase, -p text The passphrase to use for encrypting credentials. None
--federation-provider, -P text Use a federation provider available in the Britive Python SDK for auto token creation. See CLI documentation at https://britive.github.io/python-cli/ for acceptable values. None
--browser choice (chrome | chromium | firefox | macosx | mozilla | safari | windows-default | open -a /Applications/Firefox\ Developer\ Edition.app %s) The browser to use when opening a URL from the PyBritive CLI. Defaults to None which indicates the standard webbrowser selection process should be used. Can also source from PYBRITIVE_BROWSER. None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

pybritive logout

Logout of an interactive login session.

This only applies when an API token has not been specified via --token,-T or via environment variable BRITIVE_API_TOKEN.


pybritive logout [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
-t, --tenant text Name of tenant. None
--silent, -s boolean Enable silent mode. False
--passphrase, -p text The passphrase to use for encrypting credentials. None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

pybritive ls

List resources available for currently authenticated identity.


pybritive ls [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Name Type Description Default
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False


  • applications: List applications for the currently authenticated identity.
  • approvals: List approvals for the currently authenticated identity.
  • environments: List environments for the currently authenticated identity.
  • profiles: List profiles for the currently authenticated identity.
  • resources: List resources for the currently authenticated identity.
  • secrets: List secrets for the currently authenticated identity.
pybritive ls applications

List applications for the currently authenticated identity.


pybritive ls applications [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--format, -f choice (csv | json | list | table | table-double_grid | table-double_outline | table-fancy_grid | table-fancy_outline | table-github | table-grid | table-html | table-jira | table-latex | table-latex_booktabs | table-latex_longtable | table-latex_raw | table-mediawiki | table-moinmoin | table-orgtbl | table-outline | table-pipe | table-plain | table-presto | table-pretty | table-psql | table-rounded_grid | table-rounded_outline | table-rst | table-simple | table-simple_grid | table-simple_outline | table-textile | table-tsv | table-unsafehtml | table-youtrack | yaml) Display output format. Valid values are (json, yaml, csv, table[-format]). If table is used an optional table format can be specified as table-format. Valid table formats can be found here: https://github.com/astanin/python-tabulate#table_format. Example: table-pretty. None
-t, --tenant text Name of tenant. None
-T, --token text API token. None
--silent, -s boolean Enable silent mode. False
--passphrase, -p text The passphrase to use for encrypting credentials. None
--federation-provider, -P text Use a federation provider available in the Britive Python SDK for auto token creation. See CLI documentation at https://britive.github.io/python-cli/ for acceptable values. None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False
pybritive ls approvals

List approvals for the currently authenticated identity.


pybritive ls approvals [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--format, -f choice (csv | json | list | table | table-double_grid | table-double_outline | table-fancy_grid | table-fancy_outline | table-github | table-grid | table-html | table-jira | table-latex | table-latex_booktabs | table-latex_longtable | table-latex_raw | table-mediawiki | table-moinmoin | table-orgtbl | table-outline | table-pipe | table-plain | table-presto | table-pretty | table-psql | table-rounded_grid | table-rounded_outline | table-rst | table-simple | table-simple_grid | table-simple_outline | table-textile | table-tsv | table-unsafehtml | table-youtrack | yaml) Display output format. Valid values are (json, yaml, csv, table[-format]). If table is used an optional table format can be specified as table-format. Valid table formats can be found here: https://github.com/astanin/python-tabulate#table_format. Example: table-pretty. None
-t, --tenant text Name of tenant. None
-T, --token text API token. None
--silent, -s boolean Enable silent mode. False
--passphrase, -p text The passphrase to use for encrypting credentials. None
--federation-provider, -P text Use a federation provider available in the Britive Python SDK for auto token creation. See CLI documentation at https://britive.github.io/python-cli/ for acceptable values. None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False
pybritive ls environments

List environments for the currently authenticated identity.


pybritive ls environments [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--format, -f choice (csv | json | list | table | table-double_grid | table-double_outline | table-fancy_grid | table-fancy_outline | table-github | table-grid | table-html | table-jira | table-latex | table-latex_booktabs | table-latex_longtable | table-latex_raw | table-mediawiki | table-moinmoin | table-orgtbl | table-outline | table-pipe | table-plain | table-presto | table-pretty | table-psql | table-rounded_grid | table-rounded_outline | table-rst | table-simple | table-simple_grid | table-simple_outline | table-textile | table-tsv | table-unsafehtml | table-youtrack | yaml) Display output format. Valid values are (json, yaml, csv, table[-format]). If table is used an optional table format can be specified as table-format. Valid table formats can be found here: https://github.com/astanin/python-tabulate#table_format. Example: table-pretty. None
-t, --tenant text Name of tenant. None
-T, --token text API token. None
--silent, -s boolean Enable silent mode. False
--passphrase, -p text The passphrase to use for encrypting credentials. None
--federation-provider, -P text Use a federation provider available in the Britive Python SDK for auto token creation. See CLI documentation at https://britive.github.io/python-cli/ for acceptable values. None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False
pybritive ls profiles

List profiles for the currently authenticated identity.


pybritive ls profiles [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--checked-out, -c boolean Filter profile list to currently checked out profiles. False
--profile-type choice (my-access | my-resources) The profile type to use when checking out/in a profile. None
--format, -f choice (csv | json | list | table | table-double_grid | table-double_outline | table-fancy_grid | table-fancy_outline | table-github | table-grid | table-html | table-jira | table-latex | table-latex_booktabs | table-latex_longtable | table-latex_raw | table-mediawiki | table-moinmoin | table-orgtbl | table-outline | table-pipe | table-plain | table-presto | table-pretty | table-psql | table-rounded_grid | table-rounded_outline | table-rst | table-simple | table-simple_grid | table-simple_outline | table-textile | table-tsv | table-unsafehtml | table-youtrack | yaml) Display output format. Valid values are (json, yaml, csv, table[-format]). If table is used an optional table format can be specified as table-format. Valid table formats can be found here: https://github.com/astanin/python-tabulate#table_format. Example: table-pretty. None
-t, --tenant text Name of tenant. None
-T, --token text API token. None
--silent, -s boolean Enable silent mode. False
--passphrase, -p text The passphrase to use for encrypting credentials. None
--federation-provider, -P text Use a federation provider available in the Britive Python SDK for auto token creation. See CLI documentation at https://britive.github.io/python-cli/ for acceptable values. None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False
pybritive ls resources

List resources for the currently authenticated identity.


pybritive ls resources [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--format, -f choice (csv | json | list | table | table-double_grid | table-double_outline | table-fancy_grid | table-fancy_outline | table-github | table-grid | table-html | table-jira | table-latex | table-latex_booktabs | table-latex_longtable | table-latex_raw | table-mediawiki | table-moinmoin | table-orgtbl | table-outline | table-pipe | table-plain | table-presto | table-pretty | table-psql | table-rounded_grid | table-rounded_outline | table-rst | table-simple | table-simple_grid | table-simple_outline | table-textile | table-tsv | table-unsafehtml | table-youtrack | yaml) Display output format. Valid values are (json, yaml, csv, table[-format]). If table is used an optional table format can be specified as table-format. Valid table formats can be found here: https://github.com/astanin/python-tabulate#table_format. Example: table-pretty. None
-t, --tenant text Name of tenant. None
-T, --token text API token. None
--silent, -s boolean Enable silent mode. False
--passphrase, -p text The passphrase to use for encrypting credentials. None
--federation-provider, -P text Use a federation provider available in the Britive Python SDK for auto token creation. See CLI documentation at https://britive.github.io/python-cli/ for acceptable values. None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False
pybritive ls secrets

List secrets for the currently authenticated identity.


pybritive ls secrets [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--format, -f choice (csv | json | list | table | table-double_grid | table-double_outline | table-fancy_grid | table-fancy_outline | table-github | table-grid | table-html | table-jira | table-latex | table-latex_booktabs | table-latex_longtable | table-latex_raw | table-mediawiki | table-moinmoin | table-orgtbl | table-outline | table-pipe | table-plain | table-presto | table-pretty | table-psql | table-rounded_grid | table-rounded_outline | table-rst | table-simple | table-simple_grid | table-simple_outline | table-textile | table-tsv | table-unsafehtml | table-youtrack | yaml) Display output format. Valid values are (json, yaml, csv, table[-format]). If table is used an optional table format can be specified as table-format. Valid table formats can be found here: https://github.com/astanin/python-tabulate#table_format. Example: table-pretty. None
-t, --tenant text Name of tenant. None
-T, --token text API token. None
--silent, -s boolean Enable silent mode. False
--passphrase, -p text The passphrase to use for encrypting credentials. None
--federation-provider, -P text Use a federation provider available in the Britive Python SDK for auto token creation. See CLI documentation at https://britive.github.io/python-cli/ for acceptable values. None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

pybritive request

Provides functionality related to requesting approval to checkout a profile.


pybritive request [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Name Type Description Default
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False


  • approve: Approve a request to checkout a profile.
  • reject: Reject a request to checkout a profile.
  • submit: Submit a request to checkout a profile.
  • withdraw: Withdraw a request to checkout a profile.
pybritive request approve

Approve a request to checkout a profile.

This command takes 1 required argument request-id. Find the request-id via ls approvals.


pybritive request approve [OPTIONS] REQUEST_ID


Name Type Description Default
-t, --tenant text Name of tenant. None
-T, --token text API token. None
--silent, -s boolean Enable silent mode. False
--passphrase, -p text The passphrase to use for encrypting credentials. None
--federation-provider, -P text Use a federation provider available in the Britive Python SDK for auto token creation. See CLI documentation at https://britive.github.io/python-cli/ for acceptable values. None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False
pybritive request reject

Reject a request to checkout a profile.

This command takes 1 required argument request-id. Find the request-id via ls approvals.


pybritive request reject [OPTIONS] REQUEST_ID


Name Type Description Default
-t, --tenant text Name of tenant. None
-T, --token text API token. None
--silent, -s boolean Enable silent mode. False
--passphrase, -p text The passphrase to use for encrypting credentials. None
--federation-provider, -P text Use a federation provider available in the Britive Python SDK for auto token creation. See CLI documentation at https://britive.github.io/python-cli/ for acceptable values. None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False
pybritive request submit

Submit a request to checkout a profile.

Only applicable for profiles which require approval. This command will NOT block/wait until the request is approved or rejected. If you want to wait for the request to be approved, run the checkout command which will wait until the request is approved and then checkout the profile.

This command takes 1 required argument PROFILE. This should be a string representation of the profile that should be checked out. Format is application name/environment name/profile name.


pybritive request submit [OPTIONS] PROFILE


Name Type Description Default
--ticket-type text Ticket type for the ITSM process, if a profile requires a ticket. None
--ticket-id text Ticket ID for the ITSM process, if a profile requires a ticket. None
--justification, -j text Justification for the approval process, if a profile checkout or secret access requires approval. None
-t, --tenant text Name of tenant. None
-T, --token text API token. None
--silent, -s boolean Enable silent mode. False
--passphrase, -p text The passphrase to use for encrypting credentials. None
--federation-provider, -P text Use a federation provider available in the Britive Python SDK for auto token creation. See CLI documentation at https://britive.github.io/python-cli/ for acceptable values. None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False
pybritive request withdraw

Withdraw a request to checkout a profile.

Only applicable for profiles which require approval.

This command takes 1 required argument PROFILE. This should be a string representation of the profile that should be checked out. Format is application name/environment name/profile name.


pybritive request withdraw [OPTIONS] PROFILE


Name Type Description Default
-t, --tenant text Name of tenant. None
-T, --token text API token. None
--silent, -s boolean Enable silent mode. False
--passphrase, -p text The passphrase to use for encrypting credentials. None
--federation-provider, -P text Use a federation provider available in the Britive Python SDK for auto token creation. See CLI documentation at https://britive.github.io/python-cli/ for acceptable values. None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

pybritive secret

View or download a secret.


pybritive secret [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Name Type Description Default
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False


  • download: Download the secret file.
  • view: Display the secret value of the provided secret.
pybritive secret download

Download the secret file.

This command takes 1 required argument PATH. This should be a string representation of the secret path. Ensure the leading / is provided.


pybritive secret download [OPTIONS] PATH


Name Type Description Default
--file, -F text Path to a file where the contents of the secret file will be stored. Omitting this option will result in the file being saved to the current directory with the name provided when the secret file was initially uploaded. Providing - will print the contents of the secret file to stdout. None
--blocktime, -b integer Seconds to wait before starting to poll for credentials. If not provided will default to 60 for profiles that require approval and 3 for profiles without approval. 3
--justification, -j text Justification for the approval process, if a profile checkout or secret access requires approval. None
--otp, -o text OTP to checkout a profile, download a secret, or view a secret, if MFA is required. None
--maxpolltime, -x integer Maximum seconds to poll before exiting. 600
--format, -f choice (csv | json | list | table | table-double_grid | table-double_outline | table-fancy_grid | table-fancy_outline | table-github | table-grid | table-html | table-jira | table-latex | table-latex_booktabs | table-latex_longtable | table-latex_raw | table-mediawiki | table-moinmoin | table-orgtbl | table-outline | table-pipe | table-plain | table-presto | table-pretty | table-psql | table-rounded_grid | table-rounded_outline | table-rst | table-simple | table-simple_grid | table-simple_outline | table-textile | table-tsv | table-unsafehtml | table-youtrack | yaml) Display output format. Valid values are (json, yaml, csv, table[-format]). If table is used an optional table format can be specified as table-format. Valid table formats can be found here: https://github.com/astanin/python-tabulate#table_format. Example: table-pretty. None
--silent, -s boolean Enable silent mode. False
-t, --tenant text Name of tenant. None
-T, --token text API token. None
--passphrase, -p text The passphrase to use for encrypting credentials. None
--federation-provider, -P text Use a federation provider available in the Britive Python SDK for auto token creation. See CLI documentation at https://britive.github.io/python-cli/ for acceptable values. None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False
pybritive secret view

Display the secret value of the provided secret.

This command takes 1 required argument PATH. This should be a string representation of the secret path. Ensure the leading / is provided.


pybritive secret view [OPTIONS] PATH


Name Type Description Default
--blocktime, -b integer Seconds to wait before starting to poll for credentials. If not provided will default to 60 for profiles that require approval and 3 for profiles without approval. 3
--justification, -j text Justification for the approval process, if a profile checkout or secret access requires approval. None
--otp, -o text OTP to checkout a profile, download a secret, or view a secret, if MFA is required. None
--maxpolltime, -x integer Maximum seconds to poll before exiting. 600
--format, -f choice (csv | json | list | table | table-double_grid | table-double_outline | table-fancy_grid | table-fancy_outline | table-github | table-grid | table-html | table-jira | table-latex | table-latex_booktabs | table-latex_longtable | table-latex_raw | table-mediawiki | table-moinmoin | table-orgtbl | table-outline | table-pipe | table-plain | table-presto | table-pretty | table-psql | table-rounded_grid | table-rounded_outline | table-rst | table-simple | table-simple_grid | table-simple_outline | table-textile | table-tsv | table-unsafehtml | table-youtrack | yaml) Display output format. Valid values are (json, yaml, csv, table[-format]). If table is used an optional table format can be specified as table-format. Valid table formats can be found here: https://github.com/astanin/python-tabulate#table_format. Example: table-pretty. None
-t, --tenant text Name of tenant. None
-T, --token text API token. None
--silent, -s boolean Enable silent mode. False
--passphrase, -p text The passphrase to use for encrypting credentials. None
--federation-provider, -P text Use a federation provider available in the Britive Python SDK for auto token creation. See CLI documentation at https://britive.github.io/python-cli/ for acceptable values. None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

pybritive ssh

Facilitates connecting to private cloud servers using the standard ssh protocol.


pybritive ssh [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Name Type Description Default
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False


  • aws: Facilitates connecting, via SSH, to private AWS EC2 instances via Session Manager and EC2 Instance Connect.
  • gcp: Facilitates connecting, via SSH, to private GCP Compute Instances via Identity Aware Proxy and OS Login/SSH Metadata.
pybritive ssh aws

Facilitates connecting, via SSH, to private AWS EC2 instances via Session Manager and EC2 Instance Connect.

This command generally should be called from within an SSH config as opposed to being directly invoked.


pybritive ssh aws [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Name Type Description Default
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False


  • config: Prints the required Match directive to add to an OpenSSH config file (normally located at ~/.ssh/config.)
  • ssm-proxy: Outputs AWS CLI command to be consumed by ProxyCommand to establish an OpenSSH proxy tunnel.
pybritive ssh aws config

Prints the required Match directive to add to an OpenSSH config file (normally located at ~/.ssh/config.)


pybritive ssh aws config [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--push-public-key, -P choice (default | ec2-instance-connect | instance-metadata | os-login) Whether to push an ephemeral public key to the remote server. None
--key-source, -k choice (ssh-agent | static) The source of the SSH key used to authenticate to the remove server. ssh-agent
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False
pybritive ssh aws ssm-proxy

Outputs AWS CLI command to be consumed by ProxyCommand to establish an OpenSSH proxy tunnel.


pybritive ssh aws ssm-proxy [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--username, -u text The EC2 OS username for whom the ephemeral SSH public key will be pushed. _required
--hostname, -h text The SSH hostname from the SSH config file to which the ephemeral SSH public key will be pushed. _required
--push-public-key, -P choice (default | ec2-instance-connect | instance-metadata | os-login) Whether to push an ephemeral public key to the remote server. None
--port-number, -p text The SSH port number from the SSH config file for the given host. _required
--key-source, -k choice (ssh-agent | static) The source of the SSH key used to authenticate to the remove server. ssh-agent
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False
pybritive ssh gcp

Facilitates connecting, via SSH, to private GCP Compute Instances via Identity Aware Proxy and OS Login/SSH Metadata.

This command generally should be called from within an SSH config as opposed to being directly invoked.


pybritive ssh gcp [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Name Type Description Default
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False


  • config: Prints the required Match directive to add to an OpenSSH config file (normally located at ~/.ssh/config.)
  • identity-aware-proxy: Outputs gcloud CLI command to be consumed by ProxyCommand to establish an OpenSSH proxy tunnel.
pybritive ssh gcp config

Prints the required Match directive to add to an OpenSSH config file (normally located at ~/.ssh/config.)


pybritive ssh gcp config [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--push-public-key, -P choice (default | ec2-instance-connect | instance-metadata | os-login) Whether to push an ephemeral public key to the remote server. None
--key-source, -k choice (ssh-agent | static) The source of the SSH key used to authenticate to the remove server. ssh-agent
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False
pybritive ssh gcp identity-aware-proxy

Outputs gcloud CLI command to be consumed by ProxyCommand to establish an OpenSSH proxy tunnel.


pybritive ssh gcp identity-aware-proxy [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--username, -u text The EC2 OS username for whom the ephemeral SSH public key will be pushed. _required
--hostname, -h text The SSH hostname from the SSH config file to which the ephemeral SSH public key will be pushed. _required
--push-public-key, -P choice (default | ec2-instance-connect | instance-metadata | os-login) Whether to push an ephemeral public key to the remote server. None
--port-number, -p text The SSH port number from the SSH config file for the given host. _required
--key-source, -k choice (ssh-agent | static) The source of the SSH key used to authenticate to the remove server. ssh-agent
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

pybritive user

Print details about the authenticated identity.


pybritive user [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
-t, --tenant text Name of tenant. None
-T, --token text API token. None
--silent, -s boolean Enable silent mode. False
--passphrase, -p text The passphrase to use for encrypting credentials. None
--federation-provider, -P text Use a federation provider available in the Britive Python SDK for auto token creation. See CLI documentation at https://britive.github.io/python-cli/ for acceptable values. None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False